This is the News: End of Year Special (Willy Wonka/ Baby Reindeer/ SXSW Boycott/ Seinfeld/ Grimes/ Yard Act

Episode 28 January 18, 2025 01:17:53
This is the News: End of Year Special (Willy Wonka/ Baby Reindeer/ SXSW Boycott/ Seinfeld/ Grimes/ Yard Act
You Call That Radio?
This is the News: End of Year Special (Willy Wonka/ Baby Reindeer/ SXSW Boycott/ Seinfeld/ Grimes/ Yard Act

Jan 18 2025 | 01:17:53


Show Notes

We finish season 4 with a bonus edition looking back at the year that was 2024 featuring: 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Radio. You call that radio? Happy New Year. I didn't seem very happy. Happy New Year, guys. Welcome to season four, episode 28 or 29. It's the last episode anyway of season four, when you call that radio will be beginning season five very soon with a Q A and some very special guests lined up. But I thought I would just put a wee, A wee extra. A wee extra bonus to just finish season four off with a roundup of the news stories of 2024 that were never released on the audio podcast. Because I know you guys don't watch the YouTube channel, but we do. We do more stuff on, on that channel. But what I have started doing, I think you might have noticed, from August and September as I do a monthly news roundup called this is the News or this is the Now. I may eventually turn that into a different podcast because I know some of you don't really want to hear my opinions, which is fair enough, but some of you do. And I can't be bothered making an entire new podcast right now. I don't have the time or the, the ability to do that right now. So as a monthly thing, just doing the opinionated news things is going to continue until I can be bothered changing that so that. But I didn't start that tour but September. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to share with you some news articles that I did from January to September, something like that. What we got off the top of my head, we've got. Well, actually, let's just try and see if I can find what we got. The Willy Wonka scandal that gripped the Internet, they gripped the world. I heard about it in Mexico. Somebody went, oh, you're Scottish. What do you make of the Willy Wonka thing? And I had no idea what they're talking about. Then I got up to speed and I gave my opinion on it and it was basically, is it fraud to be shy? And we talk about that for about 10 minutes. We also talk about how baby reindeer ironically turned the viewer into a stalker themselves. We will discuss Jerry Seinfeld going a little bit, a little bit Boomerash, a wee bit. Well, we just basically blaming the woke left for ruining comedy. And I don't know if you've seen his comedy recently, but it's not so good. It's not so good. Not a fan of his stand up love, love Seinfeld the show. But I think Larry David was a genius and that jewel. But that's just my opinion. Can I just clarify by the way? All These opinions that you're about to hear. I might even. I might not even agree with him anymore because some of this is quite a while ago. But who else is the crime of Grimes from Coachella? I actually don't really remember what that was a bit. So I could have well changed my mind on that. I think there was maybe like a backing track error or something. So I'm not really sure. I'm not really up to speed in that one, but I was up to speed when it happened because it was the biggest news story in the world for about a day. And there's also some stuff about artists boycott in the south by South West Festival because it was a music festival that was sponsored by war. It was sponsored by the American military and Kneecap and a bunch of Irish. All the Irish acts boycotted it and some UK acts too, but not as many Scottish acts as we would have liked. And maybe. And a few other things. There'll be a few other things in there. I'll just keep on. There's loads of this stuff on YouTube if you don't know. But I know you don't like the YouTube. I know you prefer to listen to an audio podcast. So I thought they've probably not heard this. So I'm just gonna put it up as a wee bit of bonus content while I get things ready for season five. And I hope your year wasn't as shy as mine. Mine's a bit of a shite year, but a bit of a shite start to this year as well. But every day we get stronger. I'm going to the gym. I'm on a dry January. I'm not going to bore you with that. I'll bore you with that next time. And lots of stuff's been happening which I'll fill you in on the next time I speak to you. But I just want to thank everyone for supporting the show over the the last year and the last five years. Now we're going our fifth year or fifth season of the audio podcast and it wouldn't be possible without you guys listening and comment and sharing and especially the patrons appreciate you guys. If you can afford a few pounds a month, then do consider it. It means that people that can't afford to to deny they still get to listen to the show for free. So thank you for your generosity making the show possible and also making sure that there's no adverts, there's no sponsors and there's no funding. There'll be no adverts in the show at all though. The only advert is maybe if you're going to Dumfries on 25 January, gyro babies are playing a gig. And I. I've just heard that I think we're going to be. We've been upgraded to the main hall to close the night after Eddie Reader and a string quartet and after the Dumfries Community Choir and Mellow party and Michelle McManus is hosting it. And then we're going to go in at the end and probably scare a lot of people. So that'll be an interesting spectacle to watch if you happen to be in the Dumfries area on the 25th. And of course, the album launch party is on March 29th. That's the Dreams Are Mental album launch, 29th of March at Slay Tickets on Skittle. If you're a Patreon, you've got a discount code. Just check your Patreon for more details on that. And also, just throwing out a new unreleased track today as well that you can hear from the album. It might be the next single. It's pretty much finished, so I've put that out and I'm going to try and just throw a few exclusive tracks at you over the next couple of weeks, including the Quantum Leap, which is a song I did with my Famish and Bonnie Duchess. It's an absolute banger. Really proud that it's going to be on all platforms on the 24th, but you can. You'll get that tomorrow if you're a Patreon. And that's it. No more. No more adverts. You're done. Thank you very much for supporting the show and I hope you enjoy this little look back at the year that was. Like I said, it only goes up to September because I started doing monthly news reports on this podcast after that. But I hope you enjoy it. I hope you learn something. I hope you agree with me and if you don't, just tell me to fuck off. It's fine, I don't mind. This is the news on. You call that radio? And the last episode of season four. I hope you have a good January. I hope you have a good year. I hope you had a good Christmas and enjoy the show. Bye. Okay, it's not. It's not every day that an event goes so bad in Glasgow that people in Mexico are asking me about it. This is the news all started, as Willie's Chocolate Experience is called. And it's. Obviously, I don't think they could use the word Wonka for copyright reasons, but welcome to the enchanting world with a Willy's Chocolate Experience, where dreams come to life. This full, immersive experience is designed for families and children, promising a day of pure imagination and wonder. And then when you see the photos, you become aware that the kids are going to need to have some imagination. The Willy Wonka Experience, run by the House of Illuminati in Glasgow, that's described as a full Willy Wonka experience with chocolate fountains etc. I didn't see any mention of chocolate fountains but the impression was given. Yeah, it sounded good. It sounded good but it took two minutes to get through to then see a queue, people surrounding the guy running it complaining. The company started November 2023. So it's a new company. Are they bad at their job or is it a scam? That's what we're kind of going to be looking at here because it may be one or the other here, but this is the bit that cracks me up. The kids received two Jelly Babies and a quarter of can. A quarter of a can of bars. Limeade bars. Limeade, man. I didn't know they still made that. Never seen anything like it. It was definitely an experience. How much? 35 quid each. Okay. Now I always try and sort of give event organizers the benefit the Doubt because it's hard to run events and you know, the general public will complain about anything but two Jelly Babies and a quarter of a can of Buzz Limeade. And it was 35 quid each. And then you look at the pictures of the. The Willy Wonka Experience here. I don't know what that is. I think that's just a picture. I mean the lollipops actually look quite good to be fair. I'm trying to be various. The lollipops look alright. Some mushrooms. Love the mushrooms. I mean that's. That's not great. It's not great, is it? And I think that's a picture of people surrounding the owner, who I believe is called Billy Cow. I'm not sure how you pronounce it. The rainbow's no bad. A random lonely teddy bear sitting next to. Why is this guy, you know, getting charged with fraud? Well, I mean, is it fraud? Is it fraud? So there's also a Facebook page called House of Illuminati Scam as well. Well, the reason he's not been charged with fraud is that this event only happened two days ago. Despite the fact that it's been covered by the international media. It's still a new thing. And he did do an apology saying that he was going to refund everyone. So if you refund everyone and apologize, then it should all just go away. But it looks like that the apology has been deleted. But we got a screenshot of that earlier on. People make mistakes, but also people, some people are really bad at their jobs and some people are scammers. So you just got to kind of, you know, let's have a look at evidence. What is this guy? Is it incompetent? Was he let down or is he at the scam? Now, as you can see on this, today's been a very stressful and frustrating day for many and for that we are truly sorry. Unfortunately, last minute we were let down in many areas of our event and tried our best to continue on and push through and now realize we probably should have cancelled first thing this morning. Yeah, I mean you, you should, you should have realized that people were not going look at this, you know, in the morning, say for example, you were letting me suppliers. You should have realized, you know that at the point when you've got a queue of people at the door and you've only got one packet of Jelly Babies and a couple of cans of bars limeade that you've charged 35 quid. Yeah, you should have definitely cancelled it on the morning. I think, I think that that goes without saying. We plan, we feel apologize, good apology for what's happened. We'll be giving a full refunds to each and every person that purchased tickets. We planned a fabulous event and it just did not take shape as planned and for that we are truly sorry. We are dead. Stated how this has turned out. Understand people's anger and frustration. Everyone has had refunds have already started being issued and the rest should become, should be over in the coming days. Again, we are truly sorry to everyone. Refunds can take up to 10 working days. That's long. 10 working days, man. You're going to be hounded in social media for 10 working days if that's how long it takes. A lot of refunds can normally be done instantly. Some can take up to three to five working days. But 10 seems like quite a long time. So it says here, all payments 98215 have been refunded. 15 succeeded. I don't actually know what that means. And 850 refunded, 15 failed. So that to me looks like. I don't know where this is. Is this like a Squarespace account or something? I'm not really sure how he's selling the tickets but you know, if that is what he's saying, he's saying he's refunded everyone. If everyone gets a refund, then this should go away. You know, it's just. Can you see that if everybody gets a refund, then the problem should disappear. But it's deleted. He's deleted all the apologies. I think the last one I seen, I didn't screenshot, but the last one I seen was him saying there's no need to threaten people, which I think is fair enough, you know, you shouldn't be threatening people online. That's noki. But then he's deleted that as well. And it does look pretty bad because he's deleted the apology, he's deleted the fact that he was going to refund everyone, so. And he's updated his cover photo for the House of Illuminati. So that's not looking good. So I comment in a post 14 days ago from someone asking if they've a V event was a scam. I said at the time, no one who was behind it that I thought it was. I'm sad to say today that Billy Cool of Illuminati Events, or whatever he's called, proved me right. Genuinely sad to say that this was an event aimed at families and children. You can see him doing a terrible job of answering people on the video and the Facebook link. Sadly doubt any refunds were forthcoming. I reached out to Boxhub myself during the week and was assured that there was an actual booking for the event. This is not on Boxhub, this is on Billy Cool. He scammed the venue as much as he scammed the ticket holders. So yeah, when you click that link, it takes you to a Facebook page called House of Illuminati Scam. On this one there the script that all the actors received two days before the event with one night to learn it. Then on the day of the event, we're told to abandon it and just improvise. Even we had been made to believe that this would be an incredible experience. However, almost everything mentioned in the script wasn't even there. Wow. So that's coming from one of the actors. Secondly, I'm researching the man buying the scam and one of his received the refunds for this event. Yet I've seen that he was involved in a cancelled Santa's grotto event in 2021 and there was some question as to whether the toys donated were distributed. I couldn't find evidence to prove this either way. So if anyone has some information on this, I would be appreciative. It seems to be that scams involve children which makes him the lowest form of scum in any. In my opinion. Why anonymouses, Elaine? Yeah, so, I mean, if there is. If there is. If there's a history. It looks like I've seen this a couple of times now. It looks like there is a history of. From 2021 where he had a Santa's Grotto event that he cancelled, didn't refund and the toys donated maybe weren't distributed. But can I just say this is just people writing anonymously for the most part on the Internet. There is actually no evidence of that that I can see. I think we can say that this guy's done a bad. He's done a bad job for sure. I don't think it's a fact that he was let down. I think he's done a bad job. We can say that. Is he deliberately scamming people? We don't know if there's no refunds. It's a deliberate scam in my opinion. If it refunds everyone, then I think just incompetence. Now if there's a history of canceling Santa's Grotto and shit, then we might have a prolific scammer on hand. Has this woman come out and said anything? I know Wonka's actor spoke out, but this. Anyone know who she is? Man, she looks so broken in this picture. So, yeah, I've seen. This is actually sort of becoming a meme. It's a woman me like a kind of. I think she's got like a science lab. I've seen a few memes floating a bit about her. That's a shame. And who's this? There was somebody. So there is a. So, you know that, you know, pictures didn't tell the full truth. There was some. There was some actors involved. Somebody's wanting to know who played the unknown reading. There's all sorts of accusations getting flung out there. The. The. The guy who owns it also makes books by using chat GPT about mysteries and conspiracies and stuff like that. I don't know anything about that. Like I said, it's just like Red and Facebook are going mad and they're throwing out all sorts of accusations that I can't really back up just now. But what I would say is, is that it looked like a. A lot of shite. They have inlet shape as being shape fraud? Don't know. I don't know the answer to that. I suppose it depends how shit you are. Was anyone safety? I don't know. Did he pay the actors involved? The suppliers get paid. Who knows. But I think it just comes down to one thing. I think we just need to stop. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna add to any of the rumors. I've seen some mental rumors and the Reddit threads, you can check them out if you want, but I think he's done a shy job. He's promised a refund if he refunds. Everybody, it goes away. Is asking, are you Pro Martha or anti Martha? She's obviously referring to the baby reindeer television show. I've been kind of wanting to do a wee bit about the baby reindeer TV show, but I don't want to get stuck. Do you know what I mean? It's quite terrifying. It's a terrifying show. It's the first TV show that's still playing out across the Internet and daily newspapers. It's like we're witnessing a real live sequel happening in front of our eyes in real time. An interactive consequence that Black Mirror would. Would make a show about people watching the show and how they react to it. So for people that don't know. So Scottish writer, actor and comedian Richard Gad has created a monster or several monsters, actually. There's a few monsters involved, but it's a tale about stalking. This turned the viewers into stalkers, and now the alleged stalker is claiming to have been stalked by thousands of fans and haters of that have watched the show. So no spoilers, right? No spoilers. But just have a quick recap that you would see in the trailer in case you've been on the rock for the last fortnight. Baby Reindeer has been a word, the most sensation. It's a fairly low budget comedy drama thrower. I mean, I don't mean low budget, but I mean, it's, it's number one in the Netflix charts. I don't think they were expecting it to be this successful. And a true story or partially true story written by Richard Gad, who's. He plays himself in the show. And, you know, I know people that are in the Scottish comedy scene. They talked about him, who they worked with him in the past. I think he was mainly. He did the Edinburgh shows. He was in the London comedy circuit as well. And, you know, it was just. He plays himself. He's basically not doing very well and he's working in a bar, trying to make ends meet. And then he offers a free cup of tea to Martha, who is not the real name, and his name's Donnie Dunn, who's not a real name, but apparently the rest of it is a true story or mostly true. Only Richard knows exactly how true it all is. But after he gives Martha the cup of tea, his life kind of spirals out of control. It quickly becomes apparent that Martha is either full of P or mentally unwell in some capacity. It starts with sort of harmless grandiose claims and it quickly accelerates and it's something more sinister and Donnie's life descends into chaos. There's. Yeah, I mean this is. It's a dark watch, trigger warnings and stuff, but it's a good watch. I liked. I think Richard did a good job of avoiding the typical two dimensional traits of like, you know, the female stalker trope. And, and that's why you're getting people who are full Martha, because Martha's not really been written as 100 villain. There's a villainesque part of her character, but there's also a human and they're a vulnerable human side to there. And also I think that Richard did a good job of like talking about the mistakes that he made as well. You know, there was a lot of bad life decisions involved. I don't give too many spoilers away. Why don't you watch it? Or if you've already watched it, leave a comment below what you thought about it, but I want you to watch it with your own eyes and let me know what you thought of it. What I do want to briefly talk about is not the actual show itself, but how a tale that was seemingly warnings of the dangers of going after people obsessively with unwarranted attention seems to have turned the viewer into part of the script, so to speak. And I'll admit I even googled who is the real Martha and who is the real. Who the real Darien were myself. Curiosity got the better of me and it was quite easy to find that the alleged real Martha appeared to be posting on Facebook about 12 times a day. And either this is the alleged Martha or they've got or they've just made this web this Facebook account to appear to be the real Martha in order to generate more people talking about the show, which would be a masterstroke of PR if that was the case. But basically this person denies being the real Martha, denies meeting Richard Gadd, but then also admits that if she did meet him, she wouldn't fancy him. And then does admit that she bought him boxers once for one of his comedy shows, then admits that yes, she did meet him four or five times, but it was her him that was stalking her. It's. There's a lot of stuff I'm not going to Tell you the name. I'm not going to tell you find that I'm not gonna dog. But what I would say is that I started to feel myself getting pulled into that world and then I realized that this is exactly what the show is about. So yeah, it's mad. It's mad. I would say there can't be much doubt after reading a few of the posts that either is the same lady that is played so perfectly by Jennifer Gunning. I think, I think I've got that name right. She does a great job. It's a terrifying, funny and with some wild views and opinions that it just seems to mirror all the traits that are depicted. And the show is on this Facebook page. Allegedly. Allegedly. I can't say that enough now. I think the, the, the, the posts are getting her attention that she may or may not enjoy. I can't say that she's enjoying the attention, but she's getting like, you know, I think before she was only getting two or three likes and now she's getting thousands and thousands of likes. A lot of laugh emojis, a lot of angry emojis, a lot of different people. You know, some people are on, are on the side of Martha and, and some people are clearly not as well. But now there's a, and there's a feeding frenzy with a, with the journalists to get the latest scoop. And now newspapers are literally just quoting this public Facebook page and turning it into an entire pages news story which is mental. It says, I mean, names in the backgrounds were meant to be changed enough for people to not find the characters. And Richard has said on record that he does not want people trying to track down the characters. That's not what the show is about, he says. But it seems like the real Martha was tracked down. Now there's this other character, Darien. No spoiler alert once again. But Darien is, is one that everybody's trying to track down. And people thought they had tracked them down, but it turned out to be the wrong person. So this wrong person was outed for crimes, horrific crimes. And that person was innocent. And now Richard said they jump to that guy's defense. So it's all a bit of a mess. So yeah, people shouldn't be guessing, guessing who these people are. But it does, it does make you curious after you've watched the show, you want to know who it is. And yeah, I don't, I don't know what else to say. It's. They tried to change the names and stuff, but it's nothing for a tech Talk true Cramer, you know, the true crime tech talk community or the True Crime YouTube community. They've tracked down one of them anyway, allegedly. And that's before you get into the actual real journalists, if there is real journalists out there. I don't know if they're still real journalists, but I as well, I don't know what else to say in case I get stalked, man. But yeah, I enjoyed the show. I'm not pro Martha at all. I think, I think she was not well. But I mean it's mostly she's got some sort of mental illness as well. So I think people should leave her alone and for your own sake, leave her, leave her alone. And yeah, it's just, it's just been mad watching a TV show warp the sense of reality between what is real, what's a TV show and what is how we, how we interact with social media. And just watching a mad TV show spill over into real life and, and actually don't know what's going to happen next is as they like a, it's like a cliffhanger and we're watching the sequel, you know, happen in real time in real life. But, ah, it's crazy. But good, good bit of writing, good bit of television. Live from London on, you call that radio tv? And we are asking the question, should all the Scottish artists boycott south by South West Festival the way that all the Irish artists have boycotted south by South West Festival? The reason being, as it sounds, by Southwest Festival is sponsored by the US Military and multiple weapons manufacturers who are selling all their devices to corrupt governments around the world who are causing death, destruction, misery, tragedy and starvation. All the Irish artists have pulled it. No, Scott. Well, one Scottish artist has pulled it after they played one gig. And should the rest follow? Why is Scotland turning the blind eye seemingly? How does this reflect on the artists who are still playing south by Southwest? How does it reflect on creative Scotland and how does it reflect on Scotland as a whole? Or does any of this even matter? This is. You call that radio? This is the news. We are live from London. This is the news. So let's just start with what does it mean to be a sellout? We all have our own individual lines. So for example, I wouldn't work with Coca Cola or any of the big corporations like that. They do so much damage to workers rights, local competitors, people's health, the economy, the environment. There's just so much stuff going on there that I couldn't justify my music being used by Coca Cola. But also the music I make is Very niche, which is a fancy word for not popular enough. So it's not like Coca Cola are banging my door down saying, here, it's a million quid. Can we use your tunes in our commercial? So I'd never worked for Coca Cola and they wouldn't want to work with me. We're all hypocrites in our own way. We all have different lines. So, for example, Spiritualized, they did a toffee crisp advert and nobody gave a shit because people like spiritualized and they liked toffee crisps. There was a couple of people that moaned about it, but in general, it didn't affect Spiritualized career at all. And they made a lot of money and that money probably helped them make more great music. And I like a toffee crisp and I love spiritual eyes, so no one cared. But round about the same time, Hurricane Number One did an advert for the sun, the song Only the Strongest Will Survive. And I was a child. I was 12, 13, I think, something like that. I was definitely a child anyway. I was a child of Brit pop. And even I knew at the time that that was a terrible idea to get in bed with the son. Because what could be more evil than the sun or the News of the World or anything that Rupert Murdoch's involved in? And the answer is south by Southwest, they've beat it. They've got the US military and the people who actually make the weapons of death, and they're sponsoring a music festival that they should be nowhere near. Another example of, not that I would sell out for, is I would like to be in a Grand Theft Auto. I like my songs to be in grand theft auto. Alabama 3. They were in the Sopranos as a theme song. That'd be amazing. Imagine being the intro to one of the coolest TV shows ever made or getting your song used in a film. So everybody's got their own individual lines of what is selling it and what's not selling it. But when there's 35,000 people dead and then much, much more than that. Displaced, starving, injured, bereaved. And you've got a music festival that is trying to just. Just being greedy. Music festivals taking the money. Try to tell Me by Southwest Festival is the biggest music networking festival in the world. They would have all sorts of corporations clambering to sponsor them. So the checks from the US military and the checks from the arms manufacturers must have just been too juicy for them to refuse. But we can all agree that these people have no right to be anywhere near a music festival. That isn't Music is the opposite of war, in my opinion. There is no doubt that the blame lies with the south by South West Festival. They need to take all the blame. Whoever signed up to these contracts needs to take the blame because now they've put artists in such a difficult position. They've put agencies like Creative Scotland in a very difficult position and Wide Days, who I don't actually know much about, but they're like a music networking thing in Glasgow, sorry, Edinburgh, I think, based. Edinburgh based. And they put on the showcases at festivals all around the world. So now you've got a situation whereby all the artists Wide Days and Creative Scotland now are just going along with it because they've spent so much money to get to Austin. So much hard work has went into making this happen and picking these bands that no band wants to pull out. This is. I'm not sure how it works this year, but I think they match fund it. So say, for example, this is from previous years, I might be wrong, maybe this year. But say, for example, a band puts 2,000 pounds of their own money in, then Creative Scotland will maybe match it with £2,000. So all the flights are already paid, all the accommodations already paid. So everybody's in a difficult situation here because there's a lot of money going down the pan either way. But at the start of the week, Kneecap started the campaign and then every single Irish artist pulled it. And much respect to all those Irish artists who would have lost out on a lot of money. And also the opportunity, something that they've probably been looking forward to their whole lives, to play in front of the big wigs, the movers and shakers, the gatekeepers to the American music scene and the European music scene. And I think the entire music industry goes there. I've never really heard that many stories with people coming back and saying, oh, it was great, we ended up playing the super bowl or anything. Like, I don't know if dreams really do come true at south by Southwest Festival, but it looks good in your CV and you get a holiday with it. So should the artists take upon themselves and boycott? Well, I think they should. In fact, one Scottish artist already has. That is Neon Waltz. SHOUTS TO NEON WALTZ they actually played one gig and then realized that they were in the wrong side of history. So then they cancelled the rest of their gigs in Austin, Texas. So shout outs to them because they're already in Austin, Texas, so. And also they were on tour. I could see they did the whole UK tour before they went to Austin, Texas. So they would have been on Austin, Texas before all this drama happened. I only found that it was sponsored by an arms company a few days ago. So I've been in 1B bubble as well. So I think we take new and waltz at their word. They didn't really know what they were doing. They played one gig and they realized they were on the wrong side of history and they cancelled it. Should the rest of the artists cancel it? I think so. I think they should. But I mean, not everybody's music's political. Some people are apolitical, some people just don't give a shit. Some people might have an opposing opinion, you know, like the Keir Starmer opinion of Israel is the right to defend itself or something like that. But they would need to be as shallow and vapid and heartless and ambitious as Keir Starmer is to come up with something like that. But some people just don't even watch the news. Some people are just playing jazz. Some people just go over there to play jazz music. So I don't think every single artist should have to. I think. I think that should lie with their own morals and how they feel about life in general and how much empathy they have for other human beings on the other side of the world. So I think it should be a personal decision whether they do it or not. But if they decide that they want to cancel, I think the Creative Scotland and Wide Days should offer them another festival slot. Maybe somewhere that, you know, anywhere, another showcase that isn't sponsored by weapons of mass destruction. Now, I've just been looking through the list of bands involved. To be honest, I don't really know many of them at all. I think I may have added a few to our best new music playlist in the past. Like a recognized Schumer, I think they're quite good. I know Vlore, I know Vlour. I've seen Vlu live a couple of times. They're a phenomenal live act. Also, Vlo are a live act that does have a political message. It is a faulty system type of message that I get for those guys. So I'm surprised that they've not made a statement yet. But I would expect Vlor to make their statement on stage in Texas with a big Palestine flag, an anti war rant. You can put money on that. And then, and then that's an argument. Wherever said, well, we went to the festival, we still followed our dreams, we didn't waste our money and we made a statement right in the heart saying, you, I beg you to all the, the weapons manufacturers, I think Floor will do that. I hope they do that. I think they'll definitely do that. And the Weather band, really, I recognize Neon Waltz, they've already cancelled. And Mogwai. I don't know what's happening with Mogwai. I love mogwai. I'm a massive fan of Mogwai and they do some amazing charity work. They've always got powerful messages. They've done some great stuff for the people in the past. So I don't know what they're doing. I would expect there to be. I would expect them to have a big Palestine flag. I'd expect them to make a statement. If they're not cancelling, then they actually say a big fuck you do the message on stage. Because that's another way to do it. It's not as effective, I don't think, as everybody just cancelling. I mean, if all that is cancelled, if enough art is cancelled, then they would have to change sponsors and apologize and it would never happen again. But by the same token, you can still go there and make a statement. So they expect people like Vlour and Mogwai to make their statement on stage, in front of the delegates, in front of the sponsors. And I would also expect Creative Scotland Wide days and the artists to make statements even if they do play. Just something distancing themselves from the sponsors and the damage that they're doing across the world to innocent civilians. So hopefully they can make their statements on stage or they cancel or they at least make a. An insta pack where they say we're against this, we're against the sponsors. And what that does is it just undoes all the propaganda that this has been designed to cause, just to kind of whitewash it. Oh, they're just making technology. But to not comment at all is a complete total cop out. Right now people are waiting for Food Aid to be parachuted in, only to be met with drone strikes. Drones that were likely made by the companies sponsoring this music festival. The festival has lost all credibility. They could have got a big money sponsor from somewhere else, anywhere else. It's destroyed their reputation and it's damaged the reputation of every single other sponsor. Every other artist, anyone else is involved, anyone who's going as a punter is damaging reputations. So whoever decided to go ahead with this, you fogged up big time. And yeah, deal with Jerry Seinfeld. Well, he's being a crab. Wait, who's beeping me? Who's beeping me? Is that the woke left beeping me? So yeah, he said, can I? Yeah, he calls out a bunch of PC crap. PC crap. Husbands, not mine. Why did he not call it PC shape? Because the guy has been scared to use sweary curse words his entire career. He made millions being a PG comedian at best. A PG comedian? More like a universal comedian suitable for everyone. Suitable for everyone that's ever been on an airplane. Because his observational humor basically boils down to what's the deal with airplane peanuts? Or don't you hate it when you're waiting on your airplane and then there's a 10 minute delay and you're like, Hey, I booked a 2pm airplane, not a 10 past 2pm aeroplane. Am I right? Am I right? Am I right? Am I right? Before we go any further, I just want to say that the Seinfeld the sitcom is an all time classic, an absolute classic. The it took a few seasons to come together, but after that the characters developed perfectly. The writing was sharp, the actors were phenomenal. Kramer, George Costanza, Elaine, all the random side actors that would appear from time to time. The Costanza's parents. Really well done. And it deserves to be talked about as one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. So I was always confused why Jerry Seinfeld's stand up comedy was so pish. It was just very generic observations that anyone could make. I mean there's no doubt there's talent there. Kind of. He's very confident on stage, he's got good timing. But the material was pretty dire. Pretty, pretty dire. And it became apparent after Cub youb Enthusiasm came out that it was Larry David, the co creator that was the real comedy genius behind the show Seinfeld. And you know Jerry Seinfeld saying, oh you. I don't think he's trying to say oh you couldn't do Seinfeld these days. I mean, most of the jokes in Seinfeld were about waiting, trying to get a place in a good noodle restaurant, stuff like that. They made it very funny. The actors made it very funny. But it wasn't edgy. Am I wrong? I mean, leave a comment if I'm wrong. But there was nothing edgy about Seinfeld. And I would say curb your enthusiasm is 10 times edgier. And that's still going well. It's, it's just done its last season by choice. But that was 10 times edgier than Seinfeld. So I don't know what he means like the woke left or destroying comedy. South Park's still a thing. Nobody has really ever pushed the Envelope as much as south park, but south park is still a thing. I don't know if he's pissed off because his Netflix show Comedians Driving Posses and Drinking Lattes or whatever it's called. Did that get cancelled? Maybe that get cancelled because it was shite. It was just Jerry. Let me see if I can find this. I'm sure, I'm sure I can't play it because there'll be a copyright restriction because that's the kind of guy Jerry Seinfeld strikes me as. But yeah, I was just looking. I just typed in Jerry Seinfield with gloves and. Hold on. Where is he? Is that gloves or is that just his hands? He's got. Maybe he's just got leathery hands. Actually, he may just have leathery hands. Look, I don't have time to prove or disprove this theory. Apologize if Jerry Seinfeld never wore the gloves. Apologize for that if he never wore the gloves. I remember him distinctly wearing gloves and he was just like drinking. He would drive about, show off his fancy cars and talk to a comedian who's trying to get a word in edgeways and everything they say just never. He doesn't like to be the second funniest person in the room. So he doesn't kind of let any of the other comedians get over. Nothing gets by that two dimensional joke man jukebox brain of his. He's just a jokey jukebox with mundane observations. In my opinion. In my opinion, it's got that kind of Alwyn. He's got that kind of Alwyn Partridge vibe to him where he's just going, needless to say, I had the last laugh. Every stories he always comes out as the. The smart one, the intelligent one. There's no self deprecion, the self depreciation, self depreciation. Humor. I don't know how to say that word. There is none of that. It's just about him being the funny, intelligent, smart man in the room. And it gets a bit grating after a while. And that's really when I first started to realize that the guy might be a bit of a dauber. And. And then, and then more. More things came to light. [00:49:15] Speaker B: People are tired most of the time. [00:49:17] Speaker C: I love you so much. [00:49:18] Speaker B: Oh, thanks. [00:49:19] Speaker C: Can I give you a hug? [00:49:19] Speaker B: No, thanks. [00:49:20] Speaker C: Please? [00:49:20] Speaker B: No thanks. [00:49:21] Speaker A: A little one? [00:49:21] Speaker B: Yeah. No thanks. [00:49:27] Speaker A: Give everyone a hug. But I just think that, you know, he doesn't. He's like, I don't know who you are. I don't know who you are. That's the vibe he's given there. And then there's this other moment where he talks to. [00:49:40] Speaker B: Lasted how long? Nine years, 180 episodes. You gave it up, right? I did. They didn't cancel you, you canceled them. You're not aware of this? [00:49:50] Speaker A: No. [00:49:50] Speaker B: I'm asking you, you think I got canceled? Are you under the impression I hurt you, Jerry? I thought that was pretty well documented. Is this still cnn? Don't most shows go down a lot? [00:50:00] Speaker A: Little. [00:50:00] Speaker B: Most people do also. But yeah, no, I, I went off there. I was the number one show on television, Larry. You were all, do you know who I am? Jewish guy, Brooklyn. Yes. Okay, 75 million viewers last episode. What, you don't take it so bad? Well, that's the big difference between being cancelled and being number one. Okay, I'm sorry. We'll be right. [00:50:28] Speaker A: You know, it's Larry King, it's Larry King and he just asked a reasonable question. But the way that, you know, he could have made a funny joke that. He could have made a funny joke that like, yeah, no, I didn't get cancelled. You know, actually I refused the money. And I think that there's another interview where he's talking to a sort of less famous. I mean, that's how he deals with Larry King. He was talking to another presenter that wasn't quite as famous and he just absolutely destroys her and goes, I was offered £300 million or £500 million to do another series. And I said no, because I don't need the money, I do what I want and I'm cool as fuck. Basically. That was his, that was his whole thing. And there's just more and more evidence of him being a total bell end and just areas like that. They didn't cancel my show. Obviously they're talking about in the network definition of cancelled, but I'm just curious, who is getting cancelled, you know, who is seriously being cancelled in comedies? I think you hear a lot on podcasts like Joe Rogan and stuff like that where people say that they've been cancelled, then they go on to Joe Rogan, the biggest show in the world, and then they go on to sell out tours all across the world. Louis CK still selling out arenas, Jimmy Carr playing stadiums. Sean Gillis, great comedian, but he actually became famous by getting cancelled and then going on Joe Rogan and now he's one of the most successful stand up comedians in the world. Frankie Boyle still says whatever he likes. If you see Frankie Boyle live, he's still pulling absolutely no punches and yet he can still host a weekly show on BBC and I mean, he says some pretty rough stuff. Not as rough as, say, Jerry Sadowich, who admittedly doesn't get in television, but he still tours. If you want to see Jerry Sadovich, if you really want something really offensive, then Jerry Sadovich is still there. He's not been cancelled. I would say that he's not suitable for primetime television. I mean, even Roy Chubby Brown, who's a famous racist comedian, most of his jokes are racist or misogynistic. He's still touring Butlins up and down the country. He's less popular now because a lot of his, his fan base are dying off. But you can still go and see Roy Chubby Brown if you like, as an option that you have. So please leave a comment if I'm missing the point. Where are all these comedians that are. That are getting canceled? I don't actually see it. I don't really see it. I do know there's lots of up and coming comedians who say things like, oh, I. I don't get booked because I'm too offensive, I'm too shocking. It's the walk left. That's why I won't get booked. But these are people that are using shock humor without a pen sharp enough to have a punchline that makes the crowd laugh when they don't want to laugh. It's a very unique skill that takes years of working on timing and writing. Anyway, I just wanted to come on here and say that. I just. I was just blown away. We're used to everyone saying, oh, you can't say anything these days. We're used to people saying, oh, you wouldn't get away with that these days. And admittedly, there's loads of comedies that you wouldn't get away with these days, but Seinfeld was not one of them. And there's lots of examples of stuff that's 10 times edger than Seinfeld that still goes, you'd need to be funny. And, yeah, I think he's just. He's quite a boring man. He's got nothing much to say, so he thought he'd join in with the, you can't say anything these days. And he's a man who's never swore on stage. He's never done anything offensive, deliberately offensive. I mean, some people could argue that his comedy's offensive by being bland. And he's never spoke truth to power. He's never been political. It's just crazy to me that he's decided to go on that. But I suppose he's maybe he's got a new tv. He's got a new film out, which I'll just watch the trailer for. It looks shy. It's about serial and that kind of sums up. Jerry Seinfeld. Love the show. Love the Seinfeld show. Not a big fan of the guy, as you can hear, but if I'm being too harsh, let me know. Leave a comment below. Jerry Seinfeld and his gloves. Is it the woke left? Are they ruining comedy? Can you not say anything anymore? Please give examples of people that have been cancelled for a joke and their careers are now over. I would love to hear that you've been tuned in to. You call that radio. You call that radio. As you call that radio. And Joe from Nottingham has asked me what I make of Grimes DJ set at Coachella. No, I've not been feeling that well. And with the lack of energy comes lack of hatred. And I know that people in the Internet need a strong opinion. You know, you want me to either hate Grimes for messing up or to support Grimes and tell people to leave Grimes alone. I don't actually feel strongly that strongly either way. But it's a bit easier than discussing World War three. [00:56:33] Speaker C: In the very classic rounds fashion. I am having the. This is very hard to explain because it's a complex technology, but everything has been put to a double tempo. So I'm doing a lot of internal math in my mind to make the tracks go. It's hard to explain. [00:56:52] Speaker A: I'm not good at maths either. But straight away with double tempo, then maybe just half the temple. I would say just half the temple. And you know, I don't like founding Mass foundation maths. I got but just half the number, I would say. [00:57:14] Speaker C: But it is my fault for having in the last track about an hour and a half ago. So I take responsibility for this because, yes, I should not have done that. I love drumming bass. Because of the technical difficulty we're having. [00:57:33] Speaker A: I cannot tell what the post that was saying. Someone needs to sample that. I love drum and bass. [00:57:39] Speaker C: I love drumming. [00:57:47] Speaker A: So every DJ in the world is upset or mocking Grimes. Mocking Grimes, because this is in front of120,000 people. Now, Grimes, if you don't know Grimes is like a kind of weird arty pop. It's pop music, but it's pop music that's listenable. I've got nothing against Grams music. I don't listen to Grammy's music, but from what I've heard, it's kind of sort of weird pop. So it's actually Quite pleasant. Nothing groundbreaking, but pleasant. And since when is Graham's been a dj? I didn't know that Graham's a dj. I thought Graham's just sort of danced about the stage singing songs. But as far as I'm aware, Graham's a producer and produces our own tracks. So why not just hire a dj? But if you really want to be a dj, maybe practice before you do it. Or at the very least hire a sound tech, hire a roadie. [00:58:51] Speaker C: So I'm going to guess BPM the song and I'm going to. I'm gonna use my mirror and try to make it work. [00:58:59] Speaker A: So what Dennis is describing the art of DJing just by listening by ear. So it's obvious that the auto sync button has broken or she doesn't know how to use the auto sync button or she might be wasted. [00:59:15] Speaker C: So if I will do that right for you, I will do this correctly for you. It's currently reading 134 and I know it's 173, so this could be cray, but let me let you he. [00:59:37] Speaker A: Okay, so I mean that's quite embarrassing. That's quite embarrassing. But it's not the only thing that happened. I'm going to go back to. [00:59:47] Speaker C: Okay, the rest of the mixes are going to be a bit crazy, y'all, cuz I under the last song about two hours ago and something in record boxed up know what I'm talking about. So the rest of the set isn't mixes, but it will be fun. [01:00:13] Speaker A: So I apologize for the technical issues. I want to come back really strong and I usually always handle every aspect of the show myself to save time. This was one of the first times I've outsourced essential things like record box bpms and let someone else organize the tracks on the SD card. I had a bad feeling beforehand not having run everything through the CDJS myself. And though I flagged it, I wasn't insistent. The big lesson for me was a mix of one. If you want it done right, do it yourself. Okay, so if you are going to DJ in front of £180,000 and you're insistent on being on stage yourself, then you should really be, you know, not outsourcing your SD card. You should be running through the set. At the very least, just run through, have a quick run through the set. How much money are you getting paid? Hundreds and thousands of pounds, maybe a million pounds for a Grimes DJ set. It's something like Coachella. So if you went down some done right, do it yourself. Unfortunately, it looks like, she did do a lot of herself and she didn't do it very, very well, did she? Number two, be account, even if people feel bad. So do you think I'm just trying to imagine in some fantasy world whereby somebody's saying, here, I just. I insist on outsourcing your usb. Let me select the tracks on your usb. Someone insisting. Or is it a case of Grimes wanted to get high and she said, do you want to do that for me? Number three, probably pretend it's fine and engage with the crowd rather than spread. Spend the whole show slumped over the desk trying to fix software when you're meant to be entertaining. Yeah, I would agree with that. I mean, Graham's could have just styled it. Just styled it. Why was I not a attack there to fix it? Or had she been rude to the sound tech? Had she been rid to. To some. Some of our team and they just sat back with their arms folded, laughing or saying, there you go. You want to date yourself, date yourself. You're making a filet herself. But she's personally going to organize all the films next week. It will never happen again. Now, the thing is, is that it has happened a lot. It has happened lots to Grimes, because at first I thought it was maybe a conspiracy. You know, we like a conspiracy theory when you call that radio. I thought it was maybe a conspiracy. My friend Dilemma, who's a techno dj, she also thought it might just be a publicity stunt. But the fact is, is that there's so many stories. One recently from Mexico City, shout out to Mexico, a friend of Mexico City center. And there was the same kind of issues. And there's people going back her whole career saying that she doesn't really know how to use the equipment. But then there's other people saying that she's fantastic live when there's other people doing the. The tech side. She dances a bit and she sings the songs that she makes. And she's an entertaining artist, but it just seems that she wants to be a DJ without putting any of the work in. And sadly, a Grimes DJ set is going to sell more tickets than the million Facebook DJs who are upset just now because they didn't get the shout to headline Coachella ever messed up a transition. I just want to jump in here to apologize for some of the sound quality on this. I was just listening to it back there. I was just uploading it and I was like, what has happened to some of this audio? So I'm. I'm not wanting to play much more today because basically I was. I was moving about. I moved house about six times last year, so I kept having to change microphones, change setups, different rooms, different acoustics and different countries. So I. It's sorry if the audio has not been up to scratch. Normally I get the interviews mixed and mastered properly as well, but I just. It seems to work a bit better than YouTube. I didn't notice it as badly. So if you've made it this far, then congratulations, you've just got yourself a free ticket to the Gyro Babies album launch on March 29th. Just send me a message saying I listened to that all the way through. All you need to do is message me saying I listened to that all the way through. And I will put you on the guest list for the album launch. Streams are mental. March 29 at Slay in Glasgow as a way of saying sorry and as a way of saying thank you for still sticking with it. And. And since you're still here then I'm going to put a wee bonus bit on at the end. And that was there was a little bit of drama between two bands, the Yard act and Gyro Baby. So what we did was we interviewed. You call that radio interview the Gyro Babies. Basically one you call that radio was in London and you and Gyro Babies was in Mexico and had a wee interview together. And I have no idea if it's any good or not, I can't remember. But it's a wee bonus for you. And if you do have any questions for me that you would like to ask, then I'm doing a Q A to kick off Season five, so you can just email me at. You call that or if you're listening Spotify, you can just leave a comment now. Leave a question, absolutely. Ask me anything and I will do my best to answer it as fully as I can to my abilities. So, yeah, thanks for listening to the show and we'll leave you with you Call that Radio in London interviewing Gyro Babies in Mexico. Bloody freezing, man. I'll be life. I'll be life. Hide that. Hide that. Good evening and welcome to you Call that Radio live from London. And it's great to be back on the Friday night. Phone in on a Thursday. And our next caller on you Call that radio is Mark McG, singer of the Gyro Babies, who is making some explosive. And I would also like to clarify alleged allegations, alleged accusations about a post punk rock band from Leeds called Yardact. This week they released their new album Where's My Utopia. And Mark claims it may well be inspired by the Gyro Babies album who Took Utopia? So let's go live to Mexico and ask him directly. Do you seriously think a band is high profile as Yard act is trying to steal your ideas? Well, I guess I don't seem to think. I don't seem to think. It's obvious to anyone with a brain, anyone who's looking at their album robot that they have stole my ideas. It's obvious to everyone the Yard act is stealing my ideas. I'm used to people stealing my ideas but I'm a bit disappointed because I like the Banjard. But they are stealing my ideas. These are. These are big allegations. In what sense are they stealing your ideas? We made an album called who Took Utopia? Their album is called Where's My Utopia? Now our album is quite famous. An underground scene. It was critically ignored largely, but it was critically acclaimed by with things like a 9 out of 10 and louder than War. It's a good album. It took us ages to make. It took us ages to make it. We toured it for years. I couldn't agree. I can agree the album names are similar. You know, who Took Utopia? Where's my Utopia? But could it not be a coincidence? Why would a band like Yardak need to steal ideas from a band like Gyro Babies? Just, just repeat that. Why would a band like Yard Yard that need to steal ideas from a band like the Gyro Babies? I would admit some. Oh, you would admit that it's similar. So you're admitting that it's similar. Who took Utopia? Where's my Utopia? Where's his Utopia? Someone took his Utopia. It's the same thing. Don't patronize me, Mark. You're lucky I'm on your show. You're lucky I'm on on you call out either. You're lucky I came on here. I could have been anywhere in the world right now. But I'm on your show and we are obviously delighted to have you on the show as well, Mark. But yeah, to be just didn't answer my question though. Could it be a coincidence? Me as no coincidence, man. That's no coincidence. It's just a good name for an album. I spent years on it. Obviously who Took Utopia? Slightly better because there's four O's in the the album title. Our album was called Where's My Utopia? And then we changed it to who Took Utopia? Because it's got four O's and each O is a different. Represents a different season. That's why? It starts with equinox in the spring and it ends in the winter. And if you repeat it on a loop, then it's the, the, the, the cycle of life. You know, there's a lot of thought went into this. There's a lot of thought went into that. There's a lot, A lot of thought went. Any other album title? I don't think a lot of thought went into theirs. That's what I'm saying. I'm saying I think they stole our ideas. With all due respect, Mark, could it not be possible that a band like Yard Dynamic has never even heard of the Gyro Babies? A band like the Gyro Babies, we shared the stage with them. They literally came off stage as we went on stage and we said, all right, all right, all right, man. We didn't have an in depth chat. We went, all right, man, as we walked on stage. Stage. A big massive stage. Didn't. Rabbit hole 2022. We walked on that stage. As they walked off, it was about midnight, they just played. I think they were supposed to headline, but we swapped with them because I think they wanted to go home. Ah, so what you're saying is, is that they may have been said, all right, they've been pleasant to you, that should be good enough for you. They've actually treated you as a PR and said, all right, how you doing? And then they've maybe just gone to their van and left before you played a single note of who Took Utopia. Well, first of all, it's a bit rude not to stay and watch at least one song about. I know when you're on tour, it's, it's a lot. I know it's a lot, but I would never, in all my years of playing music, and we're talking a lot of years now, I'm getting old, I'm getting better. I have never walked off stage, said hello to a band going on stage and not watched at least one or two songs. Sometimes I've watched a band and they weren't very good and I've just watched a couple of songs and left. She tried to tell me they didn't watch a couple songs. If you didn't watch a couple songs, then that's rude. That's rude. If they don't know who we are, that's rude and disrespectful because we were on after them in front of 2, 3, 4,000 people. So if they didn't steal my ideas, then they're rude. That's just your opinion that it's Rude. I don't think it's rude. They were nice to you. They said, all right, what else do you expect? But let's. Let's just go with your theory. Let's just. Let's play devil's advocate and go along with your crazy theory. You're admitting that they were rude and could have just left. So I don't think that makes them rude. But I think. I don't think you understand that. Yardak played about 300 shows last year at home and abroad. Whole Gyro Babies played what, 30, 40 shows last year. They don't have as much time as you to soak up the atmosphere, grab a can of beer and listen to the music. They've got buses to get, flights to catch. Is it not possible that they've never heard of your band? They didn't listen to any of your music that night, and they certainly have never listened to your back catalog. Not only did I say hello to them, not only were on the same stage as them. You know, there's a big sign that says stage times. They would have seen the name Gyro Babies, but also follow them on Twitter. And that night, it was warm Doucher Yardak and the Gyro Babies. And I remember I tagged them all and said it was a pleasure to share the stage with these all. And did you have that respond to that tweet? Because I'm looking at the tweet right now, and it looks like neither Yadak nor Wandusher responded to that tweet. So what it basically means is that you may follow Yard, that they may follow you, but they're so busy because they've got hundreds of thousands of followers that they might not have seen it at all and they might not know who you are. So I think it's. I think we'll just leave it there to see other stage because I love Worm do. Sure. And I was a fan of Yardak stuff. Maybe I still am. I've not heard the new album. I just seen it. The advert appears in my Facebook feed. A sponsored ad appears on my Facebook feed every day, five times a day. I've had to quit Facebook because of the cunts. Okay, I really want to wrap this up. As you know, it's a pleasure to speak to you, Mark, but it's getting very dark. As you can see. It's getting very cold here in London. What would you want to happen next? We just accepted coincidence. If they can go on your stupid little show and say they've never heard of the Gyro Babies. If they look you in the eye and say they've never heard of the Gyro Babies and they've never heard the foot at Utopia, we could all just say it's a coincidence and get on with our lives. That would be a resolution. Who took Utopia? Where's my Utopia? They literally played the same festival stages. They fought. We follow each other on Twitter. We've met in real life. Are you telling me that they've never. You get them on your B show and they say never heard of the Gyro Babies. Never heard the Hutu Utopia. That is the end here. That's end it. Or if they want to be honest and say we were inspired by the Gyro Babies, we were inspired by the who Took utopia? Album again, 9 out of 10 out of loud and more. Of course we're inspired by it. Maybe it's just a wee nod, a wee nod to the underground artists that came before them. Maybe just to be annoyed. Otherwise, we've got a new album this year and I'm going to call it Yard that call it Yard. I'm going to call my album Yard Act. So when people Google it in Scotland they get Gyro Babies instead of Gadda. Because that's what's happening right now. Everyone is googling who took Utopia? Is going to get where's my Utopia? Because these sponsored ads are everywhere. So good enough yet? I've had enough yet. Thanks for having me in the show, Mark. I hate your show. I think it's too small for a band my size. But I appreciate you been one of the only news agencies reporting on this. We tried cnn, we tried Fox News, we tried the. The Skinny, we tried the list nobody wanted to touch the story about because they're scared. They are that. So I do appreciate you call that radio for. For a breaking this story and letting giving me a platform to speak because it feels like I've been blackballed from everyone in industry because the Yard act have stole my name. So thanks, Mark. You're so shy and you know, get better, get bigger and I'll come back on another time. Right, I'm just going to cut him off now because I've had enough of listening to Mark's pish. But yeah, go and check out Yardax. Where's my Utopia album? They're also playing Glasgow tomorrow, 15th March at the Callan Academy and then they're doing an after party at McCool's which is our local. I know it's Gyro Babies local as well. So they're doing a DJ after party there as well tomorrow. And also, I think that this may just be a PR stunt from Mark of the.

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Episode Cover

'One Year of This Pish' w/ Neil 'The Wee Man' Bratchpiece

I have been neglecting this audio podcast as You Call That Radio turned it`s attention to 270 live streams since lockdown began. We are...


Episode 10

August 04, 2024 01:10:57
Episode Cover

'Confessions of a Teenage Fraudster' w/ Elliot Castro

I have known Elliot Castro for many years through the clubbing/ party scene but it wasn't until I watched his new BBC documentary that...
