'Circumvent a Circus Tent' w/ Darren Loki McGarvey

Episode 6 July 18, 2019 01:36:32
'Circumvent a Circus Tent' w/ Darren Loki McGarvey
You Call That Radio?
'Circumvent a Circus Tent' w/ Darren Loki McGarvey

Jul 18 2019 | 01:36:32


Show Notes

Recorded live from Kelburn Garden Party featuring an extended interview with Orwell Prize winninng author/ Hip Hop legend/ Social commentator Darren Loki McGarvey. But before all of that we intoduce you to 'Midnight Inventions' with Big Mac McGuru and We speak to The Hoojamamas and Kami Mink Rap next to the Pyramid Stage. We also get a live snippet of Jo D'arc and Becci Wallace before Jo is TRNSPRTED to the VIP area of TRNSMT. AND There is an exclusive live recording of The Giromaybes doing an acoustic version of a Girobabies song plus a wee snippet from Captain Hotknives. We also deal with some listeners questions and much, much more. Audio Mastered by Morphamish at Sound Sound Barrasfest tickets on sale over here: http://bit.ly/BarrasFest Support the podcast over at: http://patreon.com/youcallthatradio Join the YCT radio conversation over at http://twitter.com/youcallthatrad1 and http://facebook.com/you-call-that-radio Tickets for Loki's Edinburgh Fringe show 'Scotland Today' out now over here: https://t.co/KFQ08FyNeG Get 15% off any CBD products by going to http://thedispensarycbd.com and typing in this code at the checkout : YCT15 Get YCT Mates rates on CD duplication, replication and mastering services by going to : http://audio-unity-group.com/yct

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